The Drive-Thru Worship Experience will be an event that keeps you and your family safe. You will stay in your vehicle and be guided by GC Surrey Hills volunteers on a predetermined path.

The drive-thru will start from Surrey Hills. Blvd and wind through the parking lot by Miller Drug. You will be instructed by a volunteer to enter Ashford Dr. from the parking lot of Integris where you will be greeted by our first station – the Welcome Station.
You will then be guided to our GC Surrey Kids station where children will receive a goody bag from our Children’s Ministry leaders. Continuing on to the third station, you will receive a pre-stamped postcard with a prewritten name and address on it. We ask that you take a moment during the week to write an encouraging note to the person on the postcard and drop it in the mail. This is a way for us to love one another and uplift each other.
Finishing the drive-thru, Pastor Joe and others will be present to chat briefly and pray with you.
You can download the map by clicking here.