We’re planning a neighborhood trunk or treat with an epic twist! The first ever ‘Surrey Hills Ride n’ Seek, Trunk or Treat’ will combine a trunk or treat with a scavenger hunt. It will provide some friendly competition for our whole neighborhood to enjoy in a fun and safe way! We can’t pull this off without the help of our friends and neighbors.
We are looking for 20 people who would be willing to set up a trunk or table in their driveway (or other Surrey Hills location), decorated and ready to give out candy in a way that’s social distancing friendly! By creating a candy chute, a candy zip line or coming up with some other creative way to hand out candy while maintaining social distancing, you can help be good to our neighbors who have serious health conditions.

We don’t want anyone to miss out on the fun!
All ‘trunk/table’ slots must sign up no later than
Oct. 15th in order for us to make our scavenger hunt cards for everyone. If you would like to sign up to be one of the Ride n’ Seek locations, click on the link to our Sign Up Genius here
Thanks for being such amazing neighbors! Now, let’s all get ready to have some fun together!