Spring is Here!

It’s crazy that it’s been a year since lockdown started. It somehow feels both longer and shorter than that. The numbers here in Oklahoma are low, and I’ve gotten my first shot of the vaccine. I’m trying not to get my hopes up too much, but at the same time it’s hard not too. I’m ready to get to a post covid normal.

For my update this month there are three main things I want to share.

First, is our ton of love food drive. In the picture you can see we’ve got quite a lot of food! We collected just under 1500 pounds of food! We didn’t make the goal of 2000 but that’s just reason to do better next year. It was actually a lot of fun to collect and weigh all the food, and I’m excited we were able to do so much for those who are in need.

Second, is my small group. We’ve been meeting for a few weeks now, and because of the lifting of a lot of CDC guidelines we’ve been able to meet in person even! We’re diving into the Enneagram and I’ve loved every minute of it. It’s such a good tool and the fellowship has been much needed.

Third, is the secret I mentioned last time. Starting in April we’re going to be beginning some teen events! I don’t have a lot of details on what exactly this will look like, but going forward I’ll be working in teen ministry to some degree.

That’s all I have for this month. Love yall!


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