Picture to come soon!
I do actually have a really good picture that I want to feature on this post. I just want to double check with the people in it that they are fine with me posting it first. But I didn’t want that to delay me writing and posting this.
Young Adults
Since I’ve been here there hasn’t really been anything specifically for young adults. But this month we were able to start changing that. 5 of us got together and went to play mini golf! It was a lot of fun! I knew the other 4 from camp in the past, but haven’t really had a lot of opportunity to get to know them really well. We came up with a schedule and hopefully we’ll be meeting twice a month. Though we may have to do some things remotely if Covid has anything to say about it.
Water Balloon Battle
We also had a giant water balloon battle in the community that was a lot of fun! It’s cool to see a church that is so active in its local context. There may be an article posted about it at some point. If there is I’ll post the link in an update when I find it. I spent most of the time just walking around with Joe’s camera taking pictures. I wasn’t really feeling like running around at the time, but I really enjoyed capturing shots of everyone having a good time.
Covid seems to be ramping up, so I don’t know what in person activities will look like moving forward. So it’s been nice to have had the activities we did get to have at least. It has been bumming me out, but I know God is still working, and there is still a lot of great things on the horizon! So even if things get cancelled I’m still looking forward to what He has in store for me this month!