September was actually a pretty tough month. Overall it turned out to be really good, but it was not without it’s challenges. Or challenge rather. I’m sure nobody will be surprised when I say that the challenge I had was dealing with Covid (No I did not get it). Even without getting it, it still causes problems though. It felt like we slammed on the breaks. We had to shut down for a week because of it, and a lot of other plans got cancelled. And honestly I’m just tired of planning things and then just turning them into zoom calls because that’s all we can do. But things are picking back up and we’re trying to gain traction and momentum again.
On to the good stuff. First, I am so thankful to all of you who have been supporting me and my fundraising efforts! I’ve really been focusing on it this month and have had a lot of you just bless me so much with your support. I’m having some trouble with my weekly reports not quite being reliable, so it can be hard to send out a thank you the week a donation comes in. But I will still be posting and sending something out monthly like this! Thank you for extending grace as I try to get good reliable systems in place to show my gratitude to you!
Second, I got to go to Cincinnati for a GCI workshop. It was all about the Faith avenue which focuses on discipleship and small groups. There was a lot of good information and stories that were shared. Not a lot of it was new to me with my history of working in small groups, but it was good to see others being developed. Also I extended my stay past the workshop and got to hangout with a lot of good friends who I haven’t seen in a long time. It was even my birthday during the workshop and got to be “harassed” by people singing happy birthday multiple times.
Those were honestly the highlights for me. Other stuff did happen, I may write more on that later, but that really sums up my month. It was rough at times but the highlights were really good and I thank God for blessing me with both the good and the bad.
Thanks again, love yall!