Things are happening!
I got my vaccine shots this month. All around things are slowly getting to a new normal and things are opening up. We also had our first in person worship experience on Easter! In the picture you can see us out on the parking lot, with me in the “A/V booth”. It’ll still be quite awhile before we’re able to this inside our own building, but it was really good and it was clear people we’re hungry for the in person interaction.
On the note of in person gatherings, we also had our first teen youth event. In pastor Joe’s backyard we grilled food, played nine square in the air, and had a lot fun getting to know each other with icebreakers. We had 5 teens and it was really great getting to spend time with them and start building relationships. We’re aiming to have one event a month for now and we’ve got some really exciting ideas for bible studies and activities!
That’s all I have for this month. Love yall!