Another Month In
Still continuing to settle in to OKC, which is a bit hard when it snows so much you’re suddenly in double quarantine, but hey at least I’m getting used to my apartment! I’m really liking the space, particularly the dishwasher which I’ve been without for the last 2.5 years of my life. I’ve had a couple brief interactions with some of my neighbors too, which has been really nice. Especially since I tend to just walk with a purpose from the door to my car and rarely pay attention to the people around me. But I know that I’m called to build relationship and love those around me, especially in my local community, so I’ve been challenging that side of myself in order to answer that call.
I get asked a lot about what a typical week looks like for me, so I figured this is a good place to try and cover some of that. And typically my weeks are formatted more in the Monday to Sunday way, so I’ll start with Mondays. A typical Monday involves me meeting with the Ministry Training Center Coordinator, Ceeja, and the lead Pastor, Joe. We talk about the week and set up my schedule and assignments, as well as just life and ministry in general. And just recently Joe started a konnect group over zoom in the evening. I’ve been enjoying that a lot as I love small groups, plus we’re going through a book on the enneagram which I also really love. Tuesdays, Joe and I have started to meet up to talk about the structure, format, and overview of the Hope avenue. We may also be starting to use that time for another exciting project, but that is highly provisional so I’ll just leave yall with that teaser until my next update. Thursdays I go to the recording of the worship experience video that is played on Sunday. I don’t currently have any responsibilities there, but I go to watch and learn the process. I’ve also used that time to pick up and weigh food for the Ton of Love food drive that we’re running right now (check it out on the homepage). On Sunday I watch and make comments during the premiere of the worship experience on Facebook. After that we have a zoom call where we socialize and talk about the week.
Those are the regularly schedule thing in my calendar, though other meetings and responsibilities come up as well. Feel free to get in touch with me if you have other questions about my ministry, the more I know what you want to know about the easier it is for me to know what to put in these updates! Thanks for reading and for any support and prayers you’re giving for me and my ministry! Love yall, see yall next update!
P.s. Enjoy these pictures of the building!